Please fill out the form below to register your child with VGS.

VGS Online Registration Form Children/Youth

Please enter student's family name.
Please enter any other languages your child speaks or is regularly exposed to

Contact info

Please enter an email address where we can send response to your message.

German Ability

Medical Information and Release Form

Authorization and Release

In the event of an accident or illness involving my child while he/she is attending the Victoria German School, I hereby authorize the administration of any medical procedure deemed necessary by the child’s physician, or any other physician selected by the Victoria German School, if my physician is not available. I also give permission for my child to be transported to the physician’s office, or the hospital, with no liability on the driver’s part. An ambulance may be called to transport my child to the hospital if necessary. I agree to this authorization and release and will not hold the Victoria German School Society and any persons associated with the Victoria German School Society responsible for any procedures or treatments rendered in good faith. The medical information and release form is part and parcel of the ‘Victoria German School Society’ Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement’. I have read and understand this medical release.

Typing your name here and submitting this form is considered a signature for the purposes outlined in this form.

Tuition 2024/2025

  • Tuition is $665/year plus a $50 registration fee for all classes other than Sprachdiploma (DSD).
  • Sprachdiploma (DSD) tuition is $690/year plus a $50 registration fee.
  • A material fee of $50 applies to all classes and will eliminate all book fees.
  • Tuition fees are due by the first day of classes (please pay by cheque or e-transfer).
  • If you register by the early bird deadline (this year July 01, 2024), you will receive a $50 discount on the tuition (regular classes: $615 instead of $665 / DSD classes: $640 instead of $690). The non-refundable deposit of $50 is required at the time of early registration.
  • We also offer a 15% sibling discount for the second and further children!